Tuesday, March 8, 2011

In The Pink

The Dream of a Soft Pink Wedding is coming true...

How Beautiful She will be...floating down the aisle in a drift of white surrounded by the Pink Bloom Of Spring!


This Beautiful Photograph is by

Lauren Dinneweth 
You can treat yourself to more of her lovely work at: 

Leaping Gazelle Studios on Etsy 

Lauren has such a magical style that captures delicacy and beauty in the most sensitive way!
So...Here's to You, Lauren...and the amazing beauty you see!

May we all look through a rose colored lens today...as everything is coming up Pink!

Happy Day, Loves!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Frosting Practice Day...

The Momma Is Going To Make The Wedding Cakes!

So...today is frosting practice day.

My Darling Daughter...The Precious Bride to be...found the most wonderful old recipe. It is Incredibly Delicious...with a few little tweeks.

Old Fashioned Flour Frosting
1 cup of cold whole milk
5 tablespoons of flour
1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla

Whisk the flour into the cold milk and bring to a boil.
Cook until it gets really thick, like a paste
Take it off of the heat and stir in vanilla
Set aside until completely cool...let it cool on it's own.

Beat 1 cup of butter with 1 cup of white sugar and 1/2 cup of brown sugar until light and fluffy
When flour and milk mixture is cool beat into the sugar and butter!!
Oh My Goodness! Heaven on a spoon!

This is the first practice day and I think this frosting gets a Great Big Star!
Now we just have to figure out if it will hold up or melt into a sweet, delicious puddle.

Fudge Brownie Cupcakes with a KISS In The Middle!

You should whip this up, Loves!
It is hard to believe how Heavenly it is!

Happy Frosting Day To All Of You!


Monday, February 14, 2011

The Colors Of My Love

  I made this heart for my WONDERFUL HUSBAND
and painted it with all the
Colors Of My Love

 How Do I Love Thee

 by..Elizabeth Barrett Browning

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
And...who could have ever said it better? !!!
Happy Valentine's Day, Loves!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Color Is LOVE To You?

"Pink" Love Story 

I was five years old when My Dearest Auntie asked me what color Love was to me....I said... "PINK"...and every single year from that moment on she planted the most beautiful PINK tree in the whole wide world... on My Birthday!

I was forty three when God took her Home....

An incredible birthday each year, an acre of PINK IN BLOOM!!!!! The most amazing sight and feeling! The sweet fragrance of a million blossoms and the softness of  a Pink Cloud in full bloom above me is something I will never forget!

The first tree she planted for me was a Japanese Flowering Cherry. It was just outside her biggest window and the most magnificent of all! Always in it's full glory on My Day.
We would sit and marvel at it's beauty and size. Every family picture was taken under it...'Our Favorite.' With each coming year we anticipated how beautiful it would be.

On my birthday in 1993 the phone rang and she said..."Darling, the cherry tree didn't bloom this year!"
I gasped, and we both cried!

Two weeks later, she went to Heaven..........

Such a story of Love! Of listening and knowing a little girl's heart and understanding, even then, what beauty meant to me. I will always marvel at how she knew how to love me...and how she was able to make all things special and wonderful!

When I arrived back home, (I had moved away), most of MY PINK CLOUD was still in bloom...but not...'Our Favorite!'  I stood there under it feeling so alone and sad, and as I looked down, right out of the bottom of the trunk, there was a tiny twig...with one PINK BLOSSOM! 

I knew at that moment that God wanted me to know I was not alone and that I was Loved!

Even though I live far away now, I know that the bloom of Spring is just around the corner and MY PINK TREES will be in their glory! 

Thinking of My Auntie this morning and My Precious Gift I  put together a Pink Treasury on My Etsy Page to share with all of you.

Have you ever thought of what color LOVE is to YOU?...or to someone you love?...or what you could do with THE COLOR THAT IS LOVE TO THEM ?

Happy LOVING, Loves!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

May Your New Year Be Filled To The Brim With Love!

A Very Happy New Year Loves!
May it be filled...To The Brim With LOVE!

I have been pondering on the year and thinking of all of the Love that it held. Have you ever thought of that?
OH My Goodness! It suddenly becomes absolutely filled to the brim and overflowing!

The simplest of things can say...I Love You.

My Precious Grandchildren giggling as they walk into the house and call out..."Nana"...makes me feel like a warm blanket of Love just wrapped all around me!
The thoughtfulness of My Wonderful Husband...each and everyday...is as tho, even without a word, he can surround my world in Amazing Love!
All of My Children home at the same time is Love to me. The fact that they simply "Made It Happen"...feels like being in God's arms!

Thinking of our own actions and showing someone else our love is such joy!!!! 

Paying attention...

What do we do that puts the Biggest Smile on their face?

What is there that they need help with?

What can we do to be sure that our Patience and Kindness is ALWAYS available for them?

Just very simple thoughts from a very simple girl wanting to be sure that a year filled with Love is the goal!

...and so for fun and a sweet reminder... I filled some bowls right up...To The Brim With LOVE!!!

May this New Year hold Love for You...
May you Fill and be Filled...right up...
To The Brim With Love!