Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Forever Leaves

The ground is covered with the most beautiful color and light this Fall, and there are leaves everywhere! Not just gorgeous normal leaves, but amazing enormous ones! Our Chinese Empress Tree is their mother and...

every year when they begin to fall, I am so inspired!
Doing lovely things with them is very fun. One year I ironed them and they were our Thanksgiving place mats. Another time they were so wonderful decoupaged onto a dressing screen, but this year..."Something Forever" is what popped in my little head!

And so...from Leaf...to Forever...became a Platter!

Making them... as each leaf falls, (before the frost) is quite a challenge, but I have been smiling the entire time!

Does the beauty of this Fall catch your eye in a special way, Loves?
Is there "Something Forever" you can create this year?

Whatever it may be....Keep Smiling!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paula!
    Yes, autumn is definitely my favorite season, for so many reasons. I have never understood those who say it's their least favorite because of leaves falling. In order to have a beautiful Spring, we have to go through those bare branches and new growth just below the surface. Fall ushers in the most colorful time, plus I LOVE tossing another blanket on the bed and bundling up for cooler weather. Glad you found me on Twitter! It brought me here to your blog, which is a delight!
